The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published its finalised Guidelines on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR (07/2020) (Guidelines) in July. These concepts play a crucial role in the application of the GDPR as they determine who is responsible for compliance with GDPR obligations and how data subjects can exercise their data protection rights in practice. In Part I, we outlined some of the key highlights of the Guidelines in respect of the controller and processor concepts. This Part II addresses the key highlights in respect of the joint controller concept and the implications of the joint controller relationship.
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Data Protection
EDPB provides guidance on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR (Part I)
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published its finalised Guidelines on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR (07/2020) (Guidelines) in July. These concepts play a crucial role in the application of the GDPR as they determine who is responsible for compliance with GDPR obligations and how data subjects can exercise their data protection rights in practice. In Part I of this blog, we outline some of the key highlights of the Guidelines in respect of the controller and processor concepts and the implications of the controller to processor relationship. Part II will address the key highlights of the Guidelines in respect of joint controllers.
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EDPB provides guidance on requirements of data processing contracts
The finalised EDPB Guidelines on the concepts of controller and processor (07/2020) in the GDPR were published this week. The Guidelines set out the EDPB’s recommendations on what should be included in data processing contracts between controllers and processors, in order to ensure compliance with Article 28 GDPR. We have set out some key highlights of the Guidelines below.
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Irish Credit Bureau fine offers insight into the DPC’s use of its corrective powers
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) recently published its decision following a formal inquiry into the Irish Credit Bureau DAC (the ICB) following the ICB’s notification to the DPC of a personal data breach on the 31 August 2018. The ICB is a credit reference agency that maintains a database on the performance of credit agreements between financial institutions and borrowers.
The personal data breach occurred when the ICB implemented a code change to its database that contained a technical error. As a result, between 28 June 2018 and 30 August 2018, the ICB database inaccurately updated the records of 15,120 closed accounts. This update had the effect of changing key data in a data subject’s record so that it appeared that their accounts had been closed recently, even where the loans or credit facilities had been paid off years before. This caused the ICB to disclose 1,062 inaccurate account records to financial institutions as part of credit checks, which would have potentially resulted in a refusal of credit in circumstances where it would have been granted. The records did not, however, misstate that a balance was outstanding on the accounts.
The incident was handled by the ICB as a data breach and was reported to the DPC. The DPC’s investigation focussed on the application of Data Protection by Design and by Default (Article 25), the appropriateness of organisational and technical controls under Article 24, and whether or not there was a joint controller relationship under Article 26 GDPR between the ICB and the lenders who shared data with them.Continue Reading Irish Credit Bureau fine offers insight into the DPC’s use of its corrective powers
CJEU confirms limited derogations from the GDPR’s one-stop-shop mechanism
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has confirmed the limited competence of a national supervisory authority, that is not the lead supervisory authority (LSA), to bring legal proceedings in their national courts for alleged infringements of the GDPR. The CJEU concluded that in cases of cross-border data processing, a national supervisory authority that is not the LSA has power to bring legal proceedings in its national courts, only if: (i) that power is exercised in one of the situations where the GDPR confers on that supervisory authority a competence to adopt a decision finding that such processing infringes the rules contained in the GDPR, and (ii) that power is exercised with due regard to the cooperation and consistency procedures laid down by the GDPR.
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Irish Government Plugs Gap in Protection under SCCs
The Irish government has moved swiftly to plug a perceived gap in protection under Irish data protection law that had raised doubts about whether Irish law was fit for purpose as a governing law under EU approved standard contractual clauses (SCCs).
On 4 June 2021, the European Commission adopted new SCCs, which became effective on 27 June 2021. The parties are free to agree an EU member state governing law applicable to their SCCs. However, Clause 17 of the new SCCs, on its face, posed a problem for Ireland. It stated that: “These Clauses shall be governed by the …
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DPC publishes Guidelines on collection of vaccination data of employees
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has published guidelines addressing the issue of what information employers can process in relation to their employees’ return to the workplace. In particular, the DPC considers the question as to whether employers can lawfully collect and process information about the Covid-19 vaccination status of their employees.
Information about a person’s vaccination status is special category personal data for the purposes of GDPR. It represents part of their personal health record, and is afforded additional protections under data protection law. The guidelines make it clear that the DPC does not consider there is any general legal basis for employers to request the vaccination status of their employees at this time.Continue Reading DPC publishes Guidelines on collection of vaccination data of employees
European Commission publishes finalised SCCs
The European Commission has published its final Implementing Decision on new standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries.
The new SCCs have been expected for some time in order to address the entry into force of the GDPR and the requirements of that regime. The delay to the update was due partly to the European Court of Justice’s decision in Schrems II (C-311/18), and the need for the European Commission to reconcile the new SCCs with that decision. They also take into account the Joint Opinion (2/2021) of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) on the draft SCCs, as well as the EDPB’s draft recommendations on supplementary measures.Continue Reading European Commission publishes finalised SCCs
DPC completes statutory inquiry into suspected interference with role of DPO
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) has completed its ‘own volition’ inquiry into whether the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection interfered with the role of its Data Protection Officer (DPO). The inquiry concerned the process leading to the amendment of the Department’s Privacy Statement on 6 July 2018. The DPC examined whether the Department’s DPO was involved in a proper and timely manner in the process (as required by Article 38(1) of the GDPR); and whether the DPO received instructions regarding the exercise of his tasks (contrary to Article 38(3) of the GDPR). The DPC concluded that the Department had not breached Articles 38(1) or 38(3) of the GDPR.
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High Court rejects procedural challenge against DPC’s inquiry into EU-US data transfers
The High Court, in a 197-page judgment, has dismissed a legal challenge against a decision by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) to commence an “own volition” inquiry into the applicant’s data transfers to its parent company in the US, and to issue a preliminary draft decision (PDD) proposing to suspend such transfers.
The applicant brought judicial review proceedings against the DPC, alleging that the inquiry and PDD were unlawful on a number of procedural grounds. In particular, the applicant claimed that the DPC had breached its legitimate expectation that the DPC would follow the statutory inquiry procedure set out in its Annual Report for 2018, on its website, and that it had adopted in other inquiries. The applicant also claimed the DPC had breached its right to fair procedures by failing to conduct an investigation/inquiry before reaching a decision. The High Court rejected all of the applicant’s grounds of challenge, finding that the DPC’s decision to commence an inquiry and issue the PDD, along with the associated procedural steps, were lawful.
The proceedings concerned the procedural rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the DPC’s inquiry following Schrems II, rather than the merits of the DPC’s preliminary views in the PDD.Continue Reading High Court rejects procedural challenge against DPC’s inquiry into EU-US data transfers