The European Commission (EC) has opened an online public consultation on the targeted revision of EU consumer law (the Consultation). The Consultation follows the EC’s publication of the results of its Fitness Check on consumer and marketing law and of the evaluation of the Consumer Rights Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU) (the CRD).
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The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation have published a Consultation Paper on the implementation of the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) (the Directive). The Directive must be transposed into national law by EU Member States by 13 December 2013 and must be applied in Member States from 13 June 2014.

The Directive repeals and replaces the current Directive on Contracts Negotiated Away from Business Premises (85/577/EEC) and the Distance Selling Directive (97/7/EC). The Directive on Certain Aspects of the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees (1999/44/EC), and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Directive (93/13/EEC), are amended but will remain in force.Continue Reading Consultation on Consumer Rights Directive