On January 20, in a long-awaited move, the European Commission (EC) announced the integration of the revised Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online (the Hate Speech Code) into the regulatory framework of the Digital Services Act (DSA). 

Article 45 of the DSA provides for the formation of voluntary codes of conduct at EU level to ”contribute to the proper application of” the DSA. The Hate Speech Code marks the first Code to be integrated into the DSA framework via the Article 45 process. 


The Hate Speech Code revises and

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The European Commission (EC) has opened an online public consultation on the targeted revision of EU consumer law (the Consultation). The Consultation follows the EC’s publication of the results of its Fitness Check on consumer and marketing law and of the evaluation of the Consumer Rights Directive (Directive 2011/83/EU) (the CRD).
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