On January 20, in a long-awaited move, the European Commission (EC) announced the integration of the revised Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online (the Hate Speech Code) into the regulatory framework of the Digital Services Act (DSA). 

Article 45 of the DSA provides for the formation of voluntary codes of conduct at EU level to ”contribute to the proper application of” the DSA. The Hate Speech Code marks the first Code to be integrated into the DSA framework via the Article 45 process. 


The Hate Speech Code revises and

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The conference on Modernising Copyright, jointly organised by the Irish Centre for European Law and the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin, brought together a number of interesting academics, practitioners and commentators, for a lively discussion concerning various aspects of the future of copyright law in Europe. Among the issues addressed were the development of a Digital Single Market (DSM) in Europe, the nature of copyright exceptions and limitations, and the position of online service providers and intermediaries vís-a-vís copyright infringement. Continue Reading Modernising Copyright – ICEL/TCD Conference

A Private Members Bill – the Public Electronic Communications Networks (Improper Use) Bill 2015

The law has consistently prohibited the improper use of the postal and telephone systems, however a legal loophole exists in respect of electronic communications or social media. The new legislation proposes amending section 13 of the Post Office (Amendment) Act 1951, as substituted by section 4 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Communications regulation (Amendment) Act 2007.Continue Reading New legal powers proposed to outlaw sinister social media content

The Law Reform Commission (LRC) has launched a consultation process reviewing Irish law on cyber-crime affecting personal safety, privacy and reputation, including cyber-bullying. It addresses harassment conducted through cyber-technology, and other harmful communications through the use of internet enable devices such as smartphones, tablets and PCs.

The Issues Paper, published by the LRC today, reviews the legal safeguards currently in place and considers where they might be strengthened. The LRC seeks the views of interested parties on five issues, including:-

"(1) Whether the harassment offence in section 10 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997 should be

Continue Reading Law Reform Commission launches consultation process on cyber-crime

As the world still tries to come to grasps with the Ebola crisis in Africa, it is thought that the greatest risk of contracting the deadly virus in Europe is for healthcare workers. An Irish tech start-up company called Medical eGuides has launched an app which will provide medical staff with critical information on how to effectively and competently treat Ebola-infected patients in accordance with the World Health Organisation’s guidelines.Continue Reading An Irish Tech Company’s Role in Combatting Ebola